The first questions I ask anyone who comes to me asking about their health are: "Do you drink enough water?" and "Do you eat breakfast?". I'm not a doctor and I don't diagnose health problems. But if you ask those two questions, you can get at the root of many health issues people deal with every day. Most people feel they drink enough water, but they don't. And most people are honest about breakfast and have an passionate excuse why they skip it: "I can't do anything that early", "It doesn't make me feel good", "My body won't let me". The importance of breakfast is something I had learned too late in my career. I was getting paid to play hockey, and when I should have been on top of my game I wasn't prepared. It never occurred to me that a coffee and a chocolate chip Otis Spunkmeyer muffin was a boulder in my gut and did nothing but give me 'gas' during practice. Nutrition was last on my priority list when it should have been my first. Why is it so important? Breakfast would be the first meal most people have in over eight hours. Miss it, and your body has gone without food for half of the day. Your body doesn't stop working when you sleep. It needs nutrients. It needs 'fuel'. It needs to prepare. And everyday YOU expect your body to: feel energized when you wake-up, exercise, go to work and make important decisions, fight disease, or even have a regular bowel movement... are you kidding? In one year of teaching high school Biology I learned more about my excretory system than anyone wants to know. Your body's complex systems are not for you to figure out. Let your doctor, nutritionist, or even your therapist earn their money. Whoever you turn to for support, they should be telling you to keep the 'fuel' healthy, keep it consistent, and watch what your body will do for you. Eat a balanced breakfast everyday.
Say Yes to Greek Yogurt
It's funny to think that just a few years ago most of us had never heard of Greek yogurt, and now it has taken over the dairy case at most markets. By straining the whey, Greek yogurt (also called strained yogurt) is not only thicker, but also provides twice the protein of traditional yogurt.
Read more for great breakfast ideas...